Reflections of the Inner World

reflection-of-the-self “Everything inside and around us wants to reflect itself in us. We don’t have to go anywhere to obtain the truth. We only need to be still and things will reveal themselves in the still water of our heart.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh

There is purity in the gaze of the being in the mirror. Vulnerability and truth, that allows for its audience to levy their perception. It stands as a metaphor to reality as an image forged of clarity, with the backdrop of attachments that crowd our lives through instruments of sentimental canalizations.

The reflection is pure, for it has no perception that plagues [defines] its existence, it is born anew when we set before a reflective surface and dies as it watches us leave. It holds no prejudice to past or future, while we see our identity leashed to our predominant tendencies.

As we consciously move our gaze to all the parts of its façade fixated on its flaws and beauty; it beholds staring into the eyes of its creator. The soul purpose of its existence martyred to the schism of polarization and self-analysis.

The reflection’s contortion towards vulnerability parallels our own. Vulnerability is a glimpse of skin underneath the carefully constructed façade of the personality. We project onto our reflections as they function in a spiritual sense, as windows into our esoteric landscape. The thoughts we project onto our reflections wreak insurgence deep within our subtle perception mechanisms. Its luster burns with purity despite all our bigotries dulling our own.

You look and you may stare but if you don’t give something of yourself, you will never know that which you see. Encounters with people are deeply entwined with subtle encounters within ourselves through the drama of connection.

We are never conditioned at our conception to crave acceptance and affection of another; in the ways we grow to develop these attachments. Through our interactions and its underlying intercourse with exchange of energies and thoughts. Involvement beckons a sense of cravings and aversions to situations, facets of each other’s personalities and energies. Through all this outward projection stares a glimmer of our internal attachment to these tendencies, to which our reactions are an outcry.
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then illuminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self Transformation” – Lao Tzu

To the perceptive every encounter with life reveals a circumstantial teaching, one that’s only relevant to the recipient; and varied as does its variables with each individual participant. Its only when each aspirant of collective connection understands something internally can they achieve effective external communication and interactional play.

“The gift you offer another person is just, your being” – Ram Dass

Some of the grosser manifestations of more commonly experienced emotions through sensations are: anger, sorrow, pain. These emotions impose discomfort on the ego or body through acute vibrational variations in the sublet fractal bodies. Such sensations reciprocate an overwhelming need to assert ones predominance over the external tyrant, be it in the form of scratching an itch or retorting during an argument.

Negative reactions have an effect of cloaking the esoteric imbalance within the subconscious. Influencing us to receive inputs based on the attachments to these vibrations. Placing the ‘inflector’ of our perceived enragement on center stage as we lash out externally for a conditioning that is predominantly internal.

Thus when we approach the situation of anger or pain with realization and awareness of these tendencies, we reproach them with a loving ease within ourselves and influence a clam and positive vibration to deal with the external manifestation. Its only through a liberated understanding of our own body, mind and soul can we ignite our inherent compassion.

“If you maintain a feeling of compassion, loving kindness, then something automatically opens your inner door. Through that, you can communicate much more easily with other people.  And that feeling of warmth creates a kind of openness. You’ll find that all human beings are just like you, so you’ll be able to relate to them more easily.” ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness
We have tendencies of placing objectives and purpose on our bodily selves. These attachments then go on to define our quality of life. It is paramount for our well-being to find our purpose through the heart, based on how and what we feel in every situation and work from this space to build our lives.

As a race we need to evolve our collective consciousness to ascend from antagonizing the mind with thoughts that arise through our egoistic propensities to court material and physical gains. Those distractions are designed to trap us within our sacral chakra as they create an overwhelming need for acquisition and entitlement. Leaving us forever blindsided to the true purpose of our reflection, fooling us into bathing it in our debauchery of thought deprivation.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

We need to awaken to the capacity for love and compassion in ourselves to be able to truly see every individual. Realize that you are seeing a beacon of humanity in the twinkle of your reflection.

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Broken stone portrait

Please share, it really helps! :) <3

Raghav Bubna
Raghav Bubna
Dreamer, mystic, peaceful warrior, wonderer and a being of love. I believe in knowing everything through experience and make it my mission to experience every truth I seek. Unless experienced all knowledge is belief. Questions about my higher self, death and my tantalising curiosity for new experiences constantly lead me to different wondrous realms all of them equally real!


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