How Our Thoughts Affect Water and Us!

Masaru Emoto discovered that if thoughts and words are directed at water, the water crystals undergo changes depending upon whether the words or thoughts are positive or negative.

Positive thoughts lead to changes in the water crystals that make some of them look like fractals and snow flakes while negative thoughts make the water look distorted. 

Emoto’s work has been published in his book, “The Message from Water,” it provides evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of the water crystal.

One of the most interesting examples of his was the water from the Fujiwara Dam, before and after receiving a prayer from a Zen Buddhist Monk.

We already understand that water is quite malleable, that means it easily takes new physical forms as per the environment it is in, like water in the can takes the shape of the can etc. But we can’t see the molecular structure of it and just like its physical form the molecular form adapts to the environment.

Masaru has documented the changes that water undergoes through environmental stimuli by freezing droplets of water and examining them with a dark field microscope that can take pictures.

Lets take a look at some of his work, I have put a video below that consists of an interview, the way water reacts to particular words and a water molecule responding to Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9.

Alright from the above video you would have realised that the scientific community does not hold any weight for his experiment because it was not performed using certain standards. So he’s given you a little experiment at the end of the video.

Here’s a couple who decided to try the experiment with the words, “Thank You” and the words “You Fool” with rice in the jar, the first video is the preparation and the second video is the results of the rice 30 days later.

Very interesting isn’t it, our thoughts and words are extremely powerful so when people say think positive, you now know it has a much better effect. Thinking positive is not just one positive thought surrounded by hundreds of negative thoughts.

But positive thoughts not only affect water it can change our entire world, especially when you consider we are 55% – 78% water, and mother earth is covered with 60% of water. So think positive, feel good and live a happy life!

Please share, it really helps! :) <3

A Psychonaut who believes that humans have tremendous unharnessed powers within. To be immersed in the boundless gifts of nature and being self-sufficient is my Ikigai. With years of web tech experience, I founded and maintain Fractal Enlightenment.


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