Its strange when you get out of the city into the countryside, you feel rejuvenated – the shades of colour, the sounds, birds, frogs, running water etc., has a soothing effect on the mind. These sounds consist of vibrational frequency, which is measured in Hertz (Hz). All of these natural harmonics vibrate at 432 Hz, and it’s the natural frequency of the universe.
Being in tune with this universal frequency is an integral part of us being part of nature. The benefits of being tuned into the correct vibration are tremendous, from healing our DNA, ailments and even getting healthier.
Shamans and even other religions use the 432Hz tone in their songs, during the Ayahuasca healing ceremony. Even the Tibetan singing bowl is tuned to 432Hz along with a lot of other ancient instruments which have been tuned to this natural vibrational frequency. I’ve put in a link in case you would like to know more about healing with 432 Hz.
If you don’t like reading here’s a short video, a testimony from John Fiala, chief engineer for Tesla Tech, experienced a third degree burn from a practice mortar round during a demonstration on October 9, 2010. The surgeon on site told John that he would need 3-4 skin grafts over a period of 1-1/2 – 2 years before skin would grow back in the effected area. Using a Rodin type coil and the 512Hz, 256Hz, and the 432Hz (The notes of C – Heart chakra and A – Crown chakra) John had skin growth in 32 days with no surgery or skin grafts!
So now the benefits of 432 Hz for us as a human race is clear, imagine now the entire population is unknowingly tuned to a different unnatural vibration, 440Hz. If vibrating along with the universe has so much positivity to offer, would desynchronizing from our source have as many negative effects?
Yes, but lets get to the part of how we have de-synced from the vibration of earth, the universe and everything that isn’t man made. In 1939 the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels dictated 440Hz as the standard tuning pitch. This was done to make people think and feel in a certain manner, and to keep them a prisoner of a certain consciousness.
Although there were many protests from prominent musicians and Professor Dussaut from the Paris Conservatory wrote a referendum, signed by 23,000 French musicians who all were for the preservation of the A= 432Hz, in spite of that 440Hz was made the standard for all concerts and musicians.
Strangely in 1950 the American government, made it an ISO standard that all musical equipment, music on TV and Radio broadcasts will be at 440 Hz. You can find out more on the standardization of 440Hz in this article 432Hz, the Frequency of the Universe
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), has done a very large thesis of this subject and how the Rockerfella Foundation has started this war on consciousness through the imposition of the A=440Hz standard tuning. Here’s a snippet on some of the important text from the document that I have embedded below.
A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers or chakras from the heart to the base of the spine. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the ‘heart-mind,’ intuition and creative inspiration.
Many musicians intuitively feel better tuning up, or down, a bit sharp or flat, from A=440Hz ‘standard tuning.’ More natural alternatives, especially A=444Hz (C=528Hz) and A=432Hz, and have been growing in popularity.
Brian T. Collins, who launched a website dedicated to posting articles supportive to this growing musical-metaphysical movement for recovering optimal spirituality through ‘music therapy.’
Collins wrote, “The current tuning of music based on A=440 Hz does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. Mozart and Verdi both based their music on natural vibration, and A=432 was nicknamed the ‘Verdi tuning.’ Most western music, including popular New Age music is still tuned at unnatural A=440Hz. The difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz is only 8 vibrations per second, but it is a perceptible difference in the human consciousness experience.”
Many musicians, mathematicians, physicians, physicists, and even geneticists, now celebrate the emergence of truth about A=444Hz (C(5)=528Hz) as an apparent carrier wave of LOVE, broadcasting universally from the heart of the electromagnetic energetic matrix. The vast majority of objective investigators now view these revelations as an opportunity to rediscover our spiritual roots in music, in accordance with an accelerating Spiritual Renaissance.
Here’s a half an hour video by Jamie Buturuff explaining the A=432Hz Chakra Tone.
Another interesting thing from Spiritual Results is the music they create to heal Chakras went through a scientific lab analysis on its power of healing. The case study shows 4 out of 5 people showed major improvements.
So for all your musicians out there, its time to come back to natures tuning frequencies, you have the power to induce a massive shift in consciousness around the world creating a very positive atmosphere. To help you on your quest, is a chart of natural tuning frequencies below that can you can use as a chakra frequency guide.
Time to tune in to the right frequency people.