There are so many experiences and paths that bring about expansion of consciousness and perception – through psychedelics, meditation, dancing, yoga and the list goes on, but did you ever believe that space travel would have this effect?
Astronauts who are returning from space are having profound experiences called ‘The Overview Effect.’
What is the overview effect?
Its a terminology given to astronauts who when gazing back at the earth have their minds opened to the perspective of interconnectedness on the planet, the overwhelming effect of being connected to everything on planet earth and the beginning of seeing things from a higher perspective.
What brings about this change in perspective is when you see the earth as a singe object in space, the sun is just another star and the only thing protecting us and all life on the planet is a paper-thin atmosphere – that’s the moment when you are aware of how fragile and precious life really is!
‘Overview,’ a short film which gives a cosmonaut’s view of the earth, where you see the line dividing night and day travel across the earth, the beautiful curtains of Aurora Borealis, city lights, thunderstorms and then of course the destruction inflicted by man.
Enjoy the film as usual its always nice to see more people waking up to the concept of oneness, although this path is not for everyone but we can all relive the experience.