Everything in nature has a cycle or a rhythm, such as seasons, or the rhythm of the sun and moon rising and setting. But on the other hand we have a system that oligarchy has created that dissociates ourselves from the natural rhythm by keeping us trapped in an eat, work, sleep cycle.
But even without our knowledge there are patterns that rule our existence. The most common example of a pattern or phase than we have heard of as a society is the term “mid-life crisis”. Does everyone go through this crisis? Can it be avoided? What does the future hold? How does my past affect my present and future?
All these question can be answered with these insights provided by Rudolf Steiner. The philosopher, social reformer, architect, esotericist, and clairvoyant came up with the seven-year cycles of human existence.
Steiner claimed that every seven years a human passes through a phase (developmental, emotional, physiological, psychological, spiritual) which moulds their being, their individuality.
He also linked these seven-year cycles to astrology, but I’m not going to delve deep into the astrology part, but more into how these cycles affect us and how we can flow with the spirit of existence and have a wholesome healthy life.
This map of human life put forth by Steiner covered cycles from the age of 0 to 70 years. According to Steiner each of these cycles put forth their own challenges and rewards and if we rise up to the difficulties these cycles of life have to offer with integrity and sincerity, our journey will bring forth great rewards.
Spirit Song Over The Waters
The soul of man
Resembleth water:
From heaven it cometh,
To heaven it soareth.
And then again
To earth descendeth,
Changing ever.Down from the lofty
Rocky wall
Streams the bright flood,
Then spreadeth gently
In cloudy billows
O’er the smooth rock,
And welcomed kindly,
Veiling, on roams it,
Soft murmuring,
Tow’rd the abyss.Cliffs projecting
Oppose its progress,–
Angrily foams it
Down to the bottom,
Step by step.Now, in flat channel,
Through the meadowland steals it,
And in the polish’d lake
Each constellation
Joyously peepeth.Wind is the loving
Wooer of waters;
Wind blends together
Billows all-foaming.Spirit of man,
Thou art like unto water!
Fortune of man,
Thou art like unto wind!~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
According to Gudrun Burkhard, author of Taking Charge, the “I” comes with the baggage of intentions when it comes to earth even before birth. For example if it wants to become a doctor it will look for a family that will offer that opportunity.
While some of these predispositions come from the zodiac, for example – if you’re born under Sagittarius or Cancer it makes a considerable difference in the stance you have in life. While other qualities are derived from the planets as well, such as Mars qualities give entrepreneurial qualities or Saturn qualities enable you to get to the root of the matter and give investigative characteristics.
This is as far as I will go with the Astrology part of it, for now, let’s take a look at the seven-year cycles according to Steiner ~
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Image Sources
A life well lived
Fourfold Human Being
Waldorf Education the vision of Rudolf Steiner