In a world that seeks connection, we oddly avoid eye contact. We time our text responses in order to protect ourselves from seeming too eager or too interested, and we hold our feelings back because we don’t want to seem overly emotional or unreasonable. We silence our instincts and at the end of the day, instead of feeling good about ourselves, we feel alone, we feel misunderstood. Remember – it is okay to be emotional, to seek help, to confidently tell someone you enjoy being around that you are infatuated with them. There is nothing wrong with vulnerability, with being human. This is what created depth within our relationships, and that is what ultimately unifies us.
~ Bianca Sparacino
In a World that Seeks Connection, we Oddly Avoid Eye Contact
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Fractal Enlightenment was conceptualized in 2006 by Bhavika and Clyde, and since then, it has evolved along with us. Today we focus on Self-Awareness to help and support each one become a better version of themselves and in doing so, we hope to send ripples out to help shine some light in our world.
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