Tag: Woman

Ancient Mysticism: When the Gods were Goddesses

“The Goddess does not rule the world; She is the world. Manifested in each of us, She can be known internally by every individual,...

Five Signs You May Be a Wild Woman, Not a Girlfriend

“Once you fall in love with yourself, their game is over.” ~ Alamir Guard Are you a free spirit surrounded by domesticated comfort-junkies? Is your...

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5 Zen Koans that Will Open Your Mind

“Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth.” ~ The...

Discover the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Reality

When talking about esoteric topics such as, "third dimensional...

What the Mayan Zodiac Signs Speaks about Your Personality

“Mayan Astrology offers a perspective on human existence not...

Jung’s Theory of Introvert and Extrovert Personalities

Personality refers to an individual's pattern of thoughts, feelings...

Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy

“If everything goes well & sex is natural &...

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7 Fascinating Connections Between Fractals and Human Behavior

Fractals are self-repeating intricate patterns that are found throughout nature. From trees, leaves, flowers, ferns, to the tissues and cells of our brains, lungs,...