The Relation Between the Moon and the Human Mind

Every thing around us has an effect on something within us – be it our exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UVR), looking at the morning sky, taking a walk in the forest, or swimming in the sea – nature’s beauty prompts the flow of hormones and energy in our body. But not everything that’s present in nature is fundamentally good for human beings.

The Moon, romanticised by poets and artists since ages, has a series of negative effects on the human mind, scientifically and spiritually. Several scientists and research institutions have conducted experiments over the years to study the effect of moon and full moon nights on the human mind and behaviour.

Moon and the human mind – conscious and subconscious

According to Quantum Physics, everything in the Universe – stars, planets, satellites or even the moon has an operating frequency. The frequency emanated by the moon affects the frequency of the mind that exerts control over our feelings, emotions and desires.

The mind, which consists of conscious and subconscious mind, reacts to the standing and positioning of the moon in the sky. Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95% of our lives.2_model-of-mind

The subconscious mind is the collective storehouse of impressions, memories and thoughts accumulated over the years and lifetime, and it has a higher operating frequency in comparison to that of the moon. One needs constructive thinking and observatory skills to get into the realms of the sub-conscious mind.

The moon frequencies have the power to make the thought frequencies in our sub-conscious mind to surface to the conscious mind. Since our subconscious mind consists of unnecessary and necessary, positive and negative imprints, their combined rise to the conscious mind, can leave us feeling exasperated, crazy and mindless.

Moon, tides and the human body

Moon is the reason for tides on earth, as due to its gravitational pull the volatile objects (water) on earth tend to get disturbed. According to Aristotle and Roman historian, Pliny the Elder suggested that the brain was the “moistest” organ in the body.

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Scientist went further on this line of thought and suggested that since the human body is made up of 80% water, it could be possible that the moon does influence human’s state of mind and behaviour. However, to each research that proves the same, there is a contradictory research denying the same.

But, there is concrete evidence that the moon affects human sleep patterns. The evidence was published based on the experiment where 33 adult volunteers (of both sexes) of different age groups were made to sleep for several nights in a sleep lab.

Researchers studied and observed the volunteers’ brain activity, eye movements and hormone levels. Gradually, it was found out that on the nights closer to moon days, volunteers took an average of five minutes longer to fall asleep, and slept overall 20 minutes lesser than their usual sleeping hours.

Additionally, melatonin (hormone that helps in regulating sleep cycle) level had dropped compared to other nights hence proving the fact that people are prone to insomnia during full moon nights.

Practitioners of Ashtanga yoga are asked to avoid doing yoga on moon days: full moon and new moon. The reason for the same is that one exhibits too much energy on full moon days, which might lead to injury and fracture in the body.

It is, thus, advised, to indulge in activities that calms the mind like meditation.

Countering the influence of the Moon

In order to not let the moon vibrancy take over you, be vigilant about your own vibrations. Be watchful of your behaviour, impulses and thoughts on moon days.

Since, the new moon asks a part of your unconscious to rise up, you can use this as an opportunity to cleanse your mind off those thoughts which tend to bother and disturb you.

New moon energy can be used in our favour if we choose to harness that energy to reflect and create a better self.

A Full Moon Guided Meditation to Release Unwanted or Negative Energies

Full Moon Ritual: Guided Meditation Audio

Image sources and References

A Database on Research of Human Behaviour with Regards to the Full Moon
Moon and Mind
Moon and sleep
Spirituality and moon
Effect of Moon
How the moon messes with your sleep

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Garima Roy
Garima Roy
Garima Roy, as a sentient being, loves to explore the world with her mind, heart, and soul. Joy is her natural state. You can get in touch with her on:


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