“You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” ~ Shaun Hick
There is always a great storm before the sky clears to let in the most astounding light. The storm is dark and heavy and may feel like hell but no transformation was ever easy. Be present with yourself in this time, you’re on the right track.
Here are 8 signs that your life is getting better, even though it seems difficult.
1) You’re starting to make major changes in your lifestyle
You stop procrastinating and do what you really want to, simply because you believe you can. You may make changes in your diet, start eating better and successfully stick to exercise regimes. You choose to do things out of a sense of adventure not necessity or obligation.
2) You feel like the world is full of opportunity, perhaps too much of it!
“All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.” ~ John O’Donohue, Anam Cara
When you realize your true capabilities and your interests, you may feel confused or misguided. That’s okay, try your hand at whatever your heart desires and see where it takes you!
3) As you begin to get closer to your real self, you wonder whether you’ve abandoned some distinct parts of you
Everything that becomes a subconscious pattern, attaches itself to the ego and molds our ‘persona’. When we start shedding negative, redundant patterns, we often feel like we’ve lost a part of ourselves.
In reality, we are growing into the version of ourselves that we always wanted and were at our core. So don’t be afraid and know that you are the conscious creator of your life and mind.
4) You are not afraid to speak your mind
You’re no longer afraid to speak your mind and make your truth known to others. This newfound sense of self will often affect your relationships; some might wither away making way for healthier ones.
Just remember that they cannot love or appreciate what they cannot comprehend and require time to understand the real you.
5) With an increased self-awareness you start to understand what you truly want
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung
You stop repeating the same mistakes. Through the laborious process of trial and error you have gathered enough self-awareness to live your life honoring your wants and needs. You shed old patterns not only as a consequence of this self-awareness but also, self-love.
You no longer see the point of putting yourself through situations that aren’t in favor of your well-being. All decisions come from a deep, intuitive knowing.
6) You notice things you didn’t before
You may start to feel like you can see right through people’s true intentions. This may scare you at first as some may have less than noble intentions, but it is the gift that comes with being in touch with your intuition. Don’t ignore the signs, always trust your gut!
7) Your sensitivity is through the roof!
“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.” ~ Anthon St. Maarten
You don’t know why you’ve been bursting into tears at the drop of a hat. You’re more empathic toward yourself and others, as you notice more dissonance between you and people you love.
It all points toward healing the self and relationships. Everything that you feel, must be let out and felt completely.
8) You stop playing the blame game
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ~ Ram Dass
Finally, you realize that you are the one solely responsible for your actions and happiness. No one else is to be blamed except you. Stop waiting for a person or situation to arise in your life for you to experience happiness.
Reclaim your well-being. See your own divinity, your natural state!
Image source
Darkness and light
After the Rain – Digital Paintings by Cyril Rolando
Creative Force