“A conscious parent is not one who seeks to fix her child, or seek to produce or create the ‘perfect’ child. This is not about perfection. The conscious parent understands that it is a journey that has been undertaken, this child has been called forth to ‘raise the parent’ itself. To show the parent where the parent has yet to grow. This is why we call our children into our lives.” ~ Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Parenting has always been a topic that calls forth much discussion and debating. Over the years there have been countless methods promoted from anywhere to doctors, child psychologists and relationship therapists.

It goes hand in hand that an evolution in our consciousness would create a new perspective on how to be a parent.. hence the concept behind “conscious parenting.” Since I first learned about this concept years ago, and read the book, “The Conscious Parent,” by Shefali Tsabary, I have come to realize that conscious parenting isn’t really a “tactic,” but more of a natural by-product of becoming more self-aware and waking up in consciousness myself.
I have seen much resistance to the idea of conscious parenting from those still invested in parenting the same way they were parented, or from a more stern/militant place as “one of those hokey things where people just don’t ever tell their kids anything negative or let their kids walk all over them and then turn them into brats.”
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Image Sources:
Child holding head above sidewalk
How does awakening affect how we parent pic: made by Nikki Sapp
Quote Pic by Shefali Tsabary made by: Nikki Sapp