When you come across a genius online, its very difficult to not blog about it. But as usual get ready for your jaw-dropping experience my friends because Ron Mueck is a genius when it comes to sculpture, a hyper realist sculptor. He reproduces the minute detail of the human body, depicting different stages of human life.
If you do not know the meaning of that, at the end of the show your brain is going to define it.
Who is Ron Mueck?
Ron Mueck was born in 1958, his Australian parents were toy makers.
Mueck’s early career was as a model maker and puppeteer for 15 years on television catering to children. He then started creating special effects for the 1986 film Labyrinth and also contributed the voice of Ludo.
Mueck moved on to establish his own company in London, making photo-realistic props and animatronics for the advertising industry. Although highly detailed, these props were usually designed to be photographed from one specific angle hiding the mess of construction seen from the other side.
Mueck increasingly wanted to produce realistic sculptures which looked perfect from all angles. He then started his own company in London, making models to be photographed for advertisements. Now he’s creating on his own and showcasing his work in places such as the Royal Academy, the Millennium Dome in London and the Venice Biennale and not to forget his art can be photographed from any angle.
Ron Mueck: Hyper-Realist Sculptor