“Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.”
~ Charles F. Kettering
One of the toughest relationships I have had was with my father, till date I can say that I do not have a free flowing relationship with him. But what I now realise is that most boys growing up have had odd relationships with their fathers.
Recently we’re trying to incorporate a new habit, listening to audiobooks while driving, this helped us prep for the last member listening circle and while listening to the book, “The love for imperfect things” by Haemin Sunim. Half way through the book I was filled emotionally as well as mentally and had to take a break.
The book, not only confirmed a lot of insights, but it triggered emotions but also helped provide an outlet for some of them. Haemin noticed that the emotional relationships with fathers seem to be more complicated when compared to mothers and this is more evident in father-son relationships.
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