Tag: Courage

Creative Detachment: The Secret to Freedom and Happiness

“A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe.” ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi The universe is both a complicated and a...

5 Ways how Chaos Can be Your Guide

  "In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order" ~ Carl Jung If you were given a choice to lead a...

The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying and What They Can Teach Us

Bonnie Walters is a palliative care nurse who spent many years caring for and counseling the dying in Australia. She took copious notes on...

How to go from Wanting to Change your Life to Deciding to Change your Life

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~...

4 Ways to Disturb the Comfortable and Comfort the Disturbed

In a world of rat races and overly-competitive one-upmanship, we need creative, rebellious, and courageous individuals who have the capacity to catalyze the world...

Sacred Anger and the Power of Hard Love

“Love does not imply pacifism.” ~ Derrick Jensen As it stands, all of us are victims of an extremely unhealthy culture. In a culture of...

Harnessing David-like Courage in the Age of Goliath

“All men recognize the right to revolution; that is the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist the government when its tyranny or...

From Victim to Warrior: Saying Yes to the Soul

“The basic difference between an ordinary person and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary person takes...

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5 Zen Koans that Will Open Your Mind

“Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth.” ~ The...

Discover the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Reality

When talking about esoteric topics such as, "third dimensional...

What the Mayan Zodiac Signs Speaks about Your Personality

“Mayan Astrology offers a perspective on human existence not...

Jung’s Theory of Introvert and Extrovert Personalities

Personality refers to an individual's pattern of thoughts, feelings...

Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy

“If everything goes well & sex is natural &...

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Awakening the Warrior Within: A Journey Towards Self-Mastery and Inner Peace

"The basic wisdom of Shambhala, is that in this world, as it is, we can find a good and meaningful human life that will...