“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” ~ Joan Walsh Anglund
The sound of the chirping birds or even nature for that matter is soothing for the senses and nourishing for the soul. Every morning I hear the Robin Magpie singing at dawn and it brings a feeling of peace and tranquillity and makes my heart sing.
Studies have shown that exposure to bird songs reduces psychological stress, help counter the ill effects of human noise, restore alertness and brings us closer to nature.
If you are a nature or bird lover, you will resonate with the work of Australian artist Andy Thomas. He combines recordings of bird song with 3D animation to create digital sound sculptures, he calls them “audio life forms.” As the term implies, these gorgeous creations look like the sounds they represent and react accordingly.
Take a look at the video below to know more about his work ~
He takes photos of plants and insects and blends them with artificially created forms in various 3D programs. Take a look at Grey Shrike Thrush indigenous to Australia and a voice that is sparkling with beauty.
Thomas explained, “I wanted the visual structure of this sound to reflect the gum trees that the bird lived in. I like the idea of the natural forms and colours of the gum leaves having an influence on how the sound looks, as though the bird and its call are truly at one with the plants, and how strange it is that a computer is trying to emulate it.”
Nightingale and Canary
Visual Sounds of the Amazon
The Crow
Thomas’s work is a perfect fusion of nature and technology, adding another dimension to the melodious songs of nature! You can see more of his stunning nature creations on his site.