Fractals have always captivated me, the intricacy of the patterns which can be infinitely complex in nature and simple at the same time.
Its like a fragment of an object that is self-similar to the whole, and when you realize that such fractal patterns or better known as, building blocks of God, are all around us, it will leave you amazed – clouds, trees, plants, mountain ranges, various vegetables or shorelines, snow flakes, lightning bolts etc.
Of course there are several fractal generating softwares that can help you create fractals and play around with them, but nothing like spotting patterns in nature.
Let’s take a look at some amazing fractals found in nature. These are a collection of photos taken by us during our trips, that knowingly or unknowingly, represent Fractals.
One of the beautiful creations of nature – flowers – can be fractals as well, and they add another dimension to the whole landscape.
The repetitive patterns are also found in fruits and vegetables, and are often overlooked.
Bitter Gourd might not be a popular vegetable, but it certainly is a perfect example of fractals found in nature.
Broccoli is another vegetable displaying spiral patterns of fractal that simply looks stunning.
Something as simple as a leaf can have fractals in it, like the one below, a macro shot of the leaf shows the veins forming an irregular, recurrent pattern.
This one is my favorite, which I came across in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The crowns of individual trees (Dryobalanops aromatica or Camphor tree) form a puzzle-like pattern. This phenomenon is called the ‘Crown Shyness’ because the tips of the leaves appear to shy away from each other, leaving gaps of a few inches.
The branching tree form fractals as well.
Fractal Mountains
This is a beautiful example of fractals on the mountain range.
Its a lovely picture when you look closely at the rising moon in the background, top left, the moving cloud and fractals to enhance the view.

If you observe the skies regularly, its likely to chance upon something like this. The majestic view of the setting sun with fractal clouds, a picture perfect moment captured in Mumbai.
Caterpillar chewing on a leaf slowly and steadily, it finished quite a bit in a day.