“Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and be who you are.” ~ Brene Brown
Stop for a minute and think about how your spiritual journey started, and what motivated you to stay on it. What may have began as a spontaneous awakening, an interest in the secrets of the universe, or in personal development perhaps turned into something that we began using as a means of attempting to “get what we want” out of life, or even as a guidepost to judge our emotional evolution.
It’s almost certain that at some point in our process (or most likely repeatedly), the spiritual journey stopped being something that you were experiencing and/or observing and sneakily became something you began trying to control.
It is actually quite common for our ego to take any new hobby or topic of interest that we may have been inspired to learn more about and use it as its new hiding place, and as a means of furthering its own agenda.
Since the ego can only live in an environment of judgment, comparison, criticism, competition and separation it will undoubtedly find a way to use the concepts of spirituality or self-development to do just that.
If you’ve ever caught yourself feeling envious of your friend who seems more “awake,” if you’ve felt yourself feeling superior to that Facebook friend who seems less self-aware than you, or if you have found yourself criticizing yourself for having a thought that seemed less than “loving,” you have experienced your ego decorated in a spiritual costume.
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Image Sources:
Honor Your Heart quote pic made by: Nikki Sapp