Why Thinking Logically Imprisons You

We often come across phrases in everyday life, “statistics show…”, “odds are….” or the medical field’s favorite, “research has shown…”

Many times, phrases like these are used as a precursor to a statement to imply that because something has happened a certain way to a majority of people, that it will also happen to you that exact way.

When we make assumptions about the way things will go for us based on things like statistics, polls, or comparison to others, it is safe to say that we are thinking “logically”.

But what if we chose to start approaching our life less from a logical viewpoint and more from a creative standpoint?

think out of the box

How would looking at our life less from an “I’m a realist. I know what the research has shown” perspective and more from an “I am creating my life as I go along through my thoughts, beliefs and attitudes” perspective, change our life for the better?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift” ~ Albert Einstein

It is important to first realize that both ways of thinking, logically and creatively, have their place in the psyche. For example, things like walking, driving a car or eating food when done thinking logically would be beneficial.

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However, when approaching broader life issues such as human interaction/communication, job/money making opportunities, dating/relationship issues, outlook on life, or problem solving etc…, creative thinking may be more advantageous in ensuring that we live the life that we TRULY desire.

creative thinkingIn a society where it is not only uncommon to follow your dreams but sometimes even looked down upon, it is no wonder that so many people give up on their true goals and ambitions only to settle for a relationship they are less than thrilled in, or a job they hate but doing because it has good insurance and a 401k plan.

More often than not, people try to keep status quo. They find themselves settling for circumstances that will at least “keep them up with the jones” because logical thinking tells them that this is what is required to be fulfilled and happy.

As Deepak Chopra said, “The universe has no restrictions. You place restrictions on the universe with your expectations.”

If we believe this statement to be true, then it is safe to say that if we EXPECT to live the life we have always wanted, then why shouldn’t we be able to?

The single most debilitating emotion we as humans possess is fear. Whether it be fear of change, fear of failure, fear of what others will say or even fear of success, fear is undoubtedly the number one thing that holds people back from going after their goals.

Fear often disguises itself as logical thinking. When left unchecked, this logical thinking will run amuck labeling opportunities as “risky”, lofty goals as “unrealistic” and thinking outside the box as “silly”.

At what point did it become unrealistic to go after a life that you love? Have we become so jaded as a society that we actually expect for things in our life to be less than amazing?

If we are expecting things to not be that great then what hope do we have for things to actually be great? If we expect and accept that things will go for us just like they have for our parents, grandparents, friends etc…, as a form of logical reasoning, are we then selling ourselves short?

Does Logical thinking Imprison Us?

When we think logically, we imprison ourselves with limitations. When we think creatively, we open ourselves up to solutions and limitless possibilities. When we approach our life from a creative perspective, we will start to see failures as opportunities for growth and redirection, and we will spend more time pursuing endeavors that utilize our specific gifts and talents.

Creative thinkers feel in complete control of their lives, and expect to be successful because they expect to always be growing as a person. These expectations and beliefs will then manifest as outer reality.

Logical thinkers expect that things will go exactly as the data has shown, whereas creative thinkers know that the universe is filled with limitless potential, and just because something has happened a certain way for one person, it doesn’t mean that it will happen that way for them.

It is so important to remember that not only does the universe want you to be happy and in love with your life, but it also needs you to be. Your gifts and talents are completely unique to you alone and when utilized properly will be your gift to humanity.

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Fractal Enlightenment was conceptualized in 2006 by Bhavika and Clyde, and since then, it has evolved along with us. Today we focus on Self-Awareness to help and support each one become a better version of themselves and in doing so, we hope to send ripples out to help shine some light in our world.

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Nikki Sapp
Nikki Sapp
After a synchronistic turn of events led her to receive a "oneness blessing" in 2011, Nikki Sapp experienced a huge shift in her awareness and an awakening of her consciousness. Thus started her spiritual journey. As time transpired, it became apparent to her that her talent for writing and communication would be how she could give back to humanity and help others who were also experiencing a spiritual awakening. Guided by love and service, she allows her body to be the vehicle by which the universe speaks to others through her writing.


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