What does your Sleeping Position say About You?

Our sleeping position reveals a great deal about us – how we perceive things, deal with situations in our life and our thought process. It has been said that after three months of age, infants start to develop a sleeping position and by the age of seven, a definitive sleeping position is established.

Although our initial sleep position reflects our defense mechanism that we exercise in our waking life, as we gradually progress into deeper sleep levels, we are bound to display position showing greater security.

A study on habitual sleep position stated, “This position then becomes the preferred one throughout the night and is the one in which the person will wake.“

Our sleep patterns are affected by multiple reasons like illness if any, stress, dosage of alcohol or caffeine in the body, kind of food consumed, bedding, dreams, person sleeping on the side and so on. Here are some of the general sleeping patterns and its link to particular personality traits.

Here are the 6 sleeping positions and the common personality traits linked with it


the-best-sleep-position-fetal Curled up towards one side of the body, the fetal position is the most common form of sleeping position. A fairly comfortable style of sleeping for many, as the name suggests, it resembles the position of a child in a mother’s womb.

De-stressing and relaxing the body, the higher the knees and lower the head, the more comfortable sleepers are in this position. Those who sleep in this position are tough on the outside but sensitive inside. They might seem shy initially when they meet someone, but soon relax.

The same study spoke about the traits of people sleeping in fetal position, “It has been reported that people who sleep in the full-fetal position score significantly lower in sociability and sense of well-being. Those who sleep in this position shun involvement and appear to have diminished vitality and self-sufficiency.”

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yearner sleeping positionPeople who lie on one side of the body with hands outstretched as if they are chasing their dreams or being chased. They are open-minded, positive people, but can be cynical and unable to trust anyone else but themselves.

People sleeping in this position are considered to be rational yet over thinkers, slow decision makers but once a decision is taken, they stick to it. They can be their own worst critics, expecting great results in everything they do and giving up quickly when things don’t go their way.


Loggers extend their head, neck, arms, legs and hands all stretched out in one line. Such people are considered to think in the box, inflexible in nature and very rigid in their thinking.

But they are also social and friendly in nature and may be trustworthy and gullible. Sleeping in this position can also lead to inflexibility and stiffness in the body. Exercising more and having an open approach towards things is a good idea for log sleepers.


soldier-sleeping-positionLying straight on their back with arms extended by the side and legs stretched straight, soldier position is one of the least preferred position of all, as most people like to sleep in fetal or semi-fetal position.

As the name suggests, soldier sleepers are disciplined and structured, just like a military personnel. They have serious attitude towards life, and are always looking for perfection in everything they do. They have high expectations from themselves and others around them as well.


free fall sleeping positionThe sleeper in this position is lying on their stomach with hands holding the pillow, and face turned to one side. Free fall sleepers can be considered as free in nature and enjoy life to the fullest.

But underneath they can be nervous and wake up feeling anxious. They do not take criticism well and might be offended very easily. Also, some free fall sleepers might feel that they are losing control in life, which is why they feel the need to clutch their pillow.


starfish-sleep-positionLying down in supine position with hands folded in 90-degree angle by the side of the head and the legs stretched out, starfish sleeping position is the least preferred style. People who prefer this unconventional style are considered to be loyal and honest with no secrets and worries.

This position is opted by very few today as almost all of us have stress, tension or something to hide. Great listening skills and an empathetic mindset, these people are blessed with a sensitive heart. People love to discuss their problems with them and they are often seen helping people by going out of their way.

Healthy sleeping positions

A research showing the association between sleep position, age, gender, and physical symptoms, mentioned, “It is clinically accepted that a change in sleeping position may benefit the systematic health of individuals. Sleep apnea patients are advised to avoid supine position while asthma sufferers have been advised to adopt a right side of sleeping position. Patients with respiratory disorders, heartburn, or chronic indigestion, can gain nocturnal relief, by sleeping in more upright position.”

Pick one which suits your situation or medical condition. However, do not stick to it. Keep altering your position during the night or else it will restrict your blood circulation and cause pressure on particular joints. Like those who snore can opt for supine positions than prone position for sleeping.

Sleep positions
What does sleep positions say about you
Best and worst sleep positions

Image source
Fetal position

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Sonali Bansal
Sonali Bansal
A healer, yoga teacher, traveler & philanthropist, she is an independent writer/blogger. A creative soul, her inner calling lies in spiritual oneness. Overcoming the hurdles of human birth, she is a karma yogini. Channeling the light wherever she goes, her focus is on self development as this is the real art of divine worship for her. Follow her page on: https://www.facebook.com/yogictransfusion


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