Eight Books Every Parent Should Read to their Child

“Stories live in your blood and bones, follow the seasons and light candles on the darkest night-every storyteller knows she or he is also a teacher…” ~ Patti Davis

When I was a child, I absolutely loved to read. I would devour everything and anything I could get my hands on. But as I grew I learnt the importance that literature really had in affecting my life, and I started searching for books that would fill me with the meaning and insight I desired.


And once I knew these truths I wanted to pass them on to my children, and instill in them, not only the creative and inquisitive nature of a reader, but that of a searcher of truth, kindness, and integrity. I hope these few book titles give you and your children understanding of the beautiful world around you and spark meaningful conversations between you and your loved ones.

The Quiltmaker’s Gift by Jeff Brumbeau

This enchanting and magically illustrated, The Quiltmaker’s Gift, tells a story of the old quilt-maker who made the most beautiful quilts in all the land, not to sell, but only to give away to the poor and needy. When the greedy and unhappy king demands a quilt for himself, the quilt-maker sets a condition that will teach the king the importance of giving.

Children learn: One does not gain happiness through receiving more, but only through giving and kindness does one find true pleasure in possessions.

A Bad Case of the Stripes by David Shannon

“Camilla Cream loves Lima Beans, but she never eats them. Why? Because the kids in her school don’t like them.” This colorful and quirky, A Bad Case of the Stripes goes through the mishaps of a little girl who is anxious to impress, and what happens when she can’t seem to be herself.

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Camilla breaks out in colorful stripes on her first day of school. She and her parents try everything until a sweet old lady comes to shed some insight on why Camilla might not be feeling quite herself.

Children learn: Being yourself is more important than what others may think or do around us.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud

have-you-filled-a-bucket-today-childrens-book This wonderful book for all ages goes through a seemingly complicated subject in an easy to understand metaphor.

In Have You Filled a Bucket Today? each person has a bucket, it explains, when it is full we are happy, and when it is empty we feel sad. It shows how each person (and child) can fill other people’s buckets or empty them by being nice or mean to others.

It even explains how people who try to empty buckets usually have an empty bucket themselves, but by emptying others they are still not filling theirs. This is a great book for children just starting on their new school journey, or for every child with a kind heart.

Children learn: The concept of self-esteem and happiness levels that everyone has. They learn how to be a “bucket filler” for other people by being kind and saying nice things.

You With The Stars in Your Eyes by Deepak Chopra

you-with-the-stars-in-your-eyes-deepak-chopraThis beautiful and majestic story tells a deep and spiritual story of Cosmic Consciousness.

When five year old Tara asks her grandfather about love and life, the moon herself comes down to explain to her how they are all a part of the same universe, acting as mirrors for the stars above. ‘You With The Stars in Your Eyes’ is a wonderful “conversation-starter book” to share with your inquisitive children.

Children learn: What TRUE love really means, and how everything in the world acts as mirrors around us.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss

This classic tongue-twisting book talks about the ups and downs in everyone’s life. In his wonderful nonsensical way, Dr. Seuss makes you think about the journey of one life and all the many ways it can go. He talks about the times in our life when we are moving, staying, waiting, or even feeling lonely.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go‘ makes you feel happy and sad throughout, but it leaves a hopeful and empowering message to all the little journeyers. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your way. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”

Children learn
: About the many ups and downs they may experience, but most of all they learn that they have a very special life waiting in front of them and a big “You’ll move mountains kid!” encouragement.

The Raindrop by Brian D. McClurethe-raindrop-childrens-book

This little book filled with character tells the story of a little raindrop who felt discouraged and worthless. “I am just a raindrop,” he says “I am smaller than small. What am I doing here? I have no use at all…”

Join Raindrops journey as he learns not only his worth, but the worth of every little raindrop that falls from the sky. The Raindrop is a simple yet profound story lets children and their parents explore the truth in every unique persons journey.

Children learn: The worth of each and every person no matter how small, even when the person cannot see his worth right now.

Sam Tells Stories by Thierry Robberecht

Sam Tells Stories is an engaging book about Sam, who tells stories to impress his classmates. Soon he gets into some trouble when people believe him, and learns the difference between a story and a fib. But most importantly he learns that he is a special and likeable kid, even without his big stories.

good-people-everywhere-children-booksChildren learn: The importance of honesty, and the importance of just being themselves, because being themselves is good enough.

Good People Everywhere by Lyrea Gillen

This sweet and calming book is bound to be your child’s favorite bedtime story. ‘Good People Everywhere‘ is a heart-warming story that shows many different stories and people being kind and working for good causes.

A beautiful experience for little children to see all the goodness around them, and the things that they can do to give good back to the world.

Children learn: All the goodness that people are capable of giving, and all the goodness that they themselves have to give.

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Ester Eckhaus
Ester Eckhaus
Ester Eckhaus is a freethinking, philosophizing, spiritual being; focused on self-awareness, and helping people reach their highest selves. She is a poet, currently working on her first poetry compilation to be published soon. She lives and loves in Jerusalem, where she is starting a new chapter in life.


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