5 Things to do in Order to Become the Best Version of Your Self

“Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are. Let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it.” ~ C. Asaad

In case you haven’t heard by now, intention is everything. The way we intend to live our lives, to become the person we want to be, and even how we intend to perceive our day is what sets the wheels in motion for the universe to begin bringing towards us our soul’s deepest wishes and desires.

bestselfimage1Deep within each one of our psyche lies thoughts about the person we strive to be or the life we fantasize about living. Believe it or not, these thoughts are how our higher selves communicate with us what our soul’s highest destiny is.

No desire or wish happens by chance. The mere fact that you have a desire is the proof that somewhere in some timeline this potential is very much a reality. These deep desires within our hearts are actually how the universe lets us know what lies ahead for us in the future. Once we traverse all of the trials and tribulations, it molds us into this person.

Some may listen to these calls from their soul and brush them off as another, “oh that’s never going to happen,” dream. Others may have deemed themselves not ambitious enough, rich enough, smart enough, or worthy enough to actually become this dream person they truly wish they were.

However, those who believe in all possibilities will have a very different experience. The mere belief that anything is possible for us and our lives, and the dream life we imagine in our minds is very do-able. So with the help of an intelligence higher than our own guiding us into the “right place at the right time” situations, we can truly experience miracles in our life.

You may be wondering by now, “ok, so what exactly is an ‘intention’ and how do I go about setting one?” There are actually some very powerful exercises one can do that will set an intention in stone, which aligns our lower mind with our higher mind and allows us to begin to align with faith, belief and ultimately the intuition that will guide us into our dream life.

Below are 5 exercises one can do to set an intention in stone and get the ball rolling on their best life ever:

1) Write a detailed description of the person you see yourself being

“If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don’t want to be.” ~ Dale Carnegie

You may have heard the term, “speaking something into existence.” This phrase explains how powerful our words are, and even more powerful, our written words. By taking the time to write out a detailed description of yourself, your best self ever (and word it in present moment statements), your conscious mind has a chance to become aware of the aspirations you hold deep within.

You can write things such as, “I eat healthy,” or “I am positive and loving,” or you can also write down a dream job or a dream location that you wish to live in. It doesn’t matter as long as its detailed, and you don’t worry about “how” any of it will happen, just write as if it already has happened.

 2) Have high expectations and be open to anything

This exercise can be summed up in one sentence… don’t expect things to happen exactly as you have planned. In fact the less you plan the better off you will be.

This may sound really crazy to a third dimensional mind who has bought into the “hard work pays off and you have to plan out your entire life in order to achieve your goals,” but the more we are open to magic and miracles happening in our lives, the more they will.

Remember, it’s all about belief in possibilities, and the crazier and less logical our belief system is, the more we align with “crazy coincidences” and “lucky scenarios.”

3) Write a loving letter to yourself

What are the things you never heard as a child but you wished you had? What are the things your dream soulmate would say to you if they were in front of you right now? These are the things your inner child actually needs to hear from YOU!

Imagine yourself as your most loving parent or companion and write a letter to yourself pouring your heart out about your unconditional acceptance and love, complimenting your best attributes, offering support and guidance for any future adversities, and a safe place to land no matter what happens.

This one step alone will work wonders. We are truly the only ones who can validate ourselves and love ourselves unconditionally and when our inner child hears the words it has always longed to hear it will begin to relax, feel secure and will over time no longer need to act out in undesirable ways to get our loving attention.

bestselfimage3 4) Take steps (doesn’t matter if you think they are big or small)

Often we get so overwhelmed by “taking action” we feel like so much needs to be done that it makes us feel like we don’t want to do any of it.

Then the guilt or shame we have about not doing anything is prompted and becomes the vibration we sit at which prevents us from taking any step forward.

But what many may not realize is that the steps we take don’t actually have to be “big” or even make sense at all, they only need to be different than what we would normally do.

By putting ourselves in different places, at different times or doing different things than what our usual patterns are, we actually prompt ourselves out of energetic stagnation and give the universe more chances to put us in the right place at the right time to meet someone who either ends up offering us a dream job, or even meeting a new friend or life partner.

Maybe it’s going to a grocery store different than the one you usually go to, or calling an old friend for lunch that you haven’t seen in a while, or signing up for a class to explore a new hobby, as long as it’s not what you would normally do. You do this as often as possible and you will be amazed by the new people, places and things you begin to draw to you.bestselfimage4

 5) Love the one who doubts, doesn’t believe or is skeptical

There may be a part of you that’s still saying, “this is all bullshit,” or “I don’t know if I really believe I can live my best life ever,” and then another part of you that’s saying, “If you don’t believe it won’t happen! So you better start believing..”.

The fear of “not really believing” is what keeps many of us stuck in the energy of blame, “you don’t have your best life because you don’t really believe it!”

It’s ok if you doubt miracles, it’s ok if you don’t know how to really believe that you can become the best version of you, but you must respond with a higher vibration in response. “Thank you doubt, I love you,” or “thank you judgment, I love you unconditionally,” are things we can say to these types of thoughts when they arise.

No thought has power to ruin your life, and no shred of doubt has the ability to stop our destiny from happening, unless we BELIEVE they do. So take back your power by loving each one of these skeptical thoughts, and over time you will realize they stop altogether.

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Blowing a dandelion & Heart
I love me in sand

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Nikki Sapp
Nikki Sapp
After a synchronistic turn of events led her to receive a "oneness blessing" in 2011, Nikki Sapp experienced a huge shift in her awareness and an awakening of her consciousness. Thus started her spiritual journey. As time transpired, it became apparent to her that her talent for writing and communication would be how she could give back to humanity and help others who were also experiencing a spiritual awakening. Guided by love and service, she allows her body to be the vehicle by which the universe speaks to others through her writing.
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