Reclaim Your Mind: The Importance of Decoding Your Thoughts

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~ Aristotle

It is important to take control of your thoughts. For you would be surprised to find how many of them aren’t actually yours. If we aim to de-clutter our lives of the unnecessary, it is paramount to help remove ourselves from the clenching intoxication of adopted thoughts. So go on throw your soul a lifeline and pull it out of the trenches of your mind.

The impermanence of our soul’s relationship with the materialized ego conjures up certain thoughts from the ether around us. Hence we may be in different parts of the world (or walks of life), but may share the same insecurities and perspectives through the whirlpool of collective thoughts.


This beckons the question of what is permanent here and what will pass on through the body into the other realms to converse with our higher selves.

Where there is no space for words that speak of compromise, business or politics; only the art of abstracts that do not compromise. For in silence we are unlimited, but in words confined.

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“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” ~ William Shakespeare

Thoughts have the ability to keep us blindsided by a specific outlook, forever viewing life through its filters. Until a particular perspective is limiting us, we continue to live in our thoughts and remain voyeurs to the mysteries and experiences we chance upon.

The side effects of an uncontrolled mind

If we allow certain thoughts and patterns of thoughts to unhinge us, our lives would forever be devoid of mental peace. It is hardly a compromise that leads us out of a situation that isn’t working out, but our faith in the inexpressible and inexplicable that welcomes miracles into our lives.

Thoughts that hover around for acceptance make us prone to feeling unaccepted. As we spend our time in search of those fleeting comforting words of praise that make our life seem worth it, we are bound to come across some criticism or ridicule that would then make the same situation seem bleak, all of a sudden.

It is time to stop externalising your perspective

n507870074_2073295_4926“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” ~ Alejandro Jodorowski

There is no solace in blaming the tyrants that have tried to inflict their perspectives and beliefs on our minds. But let’s choose to think of them as turbulent currents in the ocean of thoughts we must navigate through.

In order to find the thoughts that are truly ours, we must question their applicability rather than cower under the weight of their scrutiny. At no point should we allow our thoughts to become bigger than ourselves.

While thoughts do have the power to define our lives we cannot let them dictate our terms of engagement with life itself. It keeps us locked away in our minds or caught up in the surface level and away from the depths of life itself. We hold the authority to dispense the thoughts that don’t serve us and don’t agree with who we are and want to be.

“If you can resist the impulse to claim each and every thought as your own, you will come to a startling conclusion: you will discover that you are the consciousness in which the thoughts appear and disappear.” ~ Annamalai Swami

It is our fortunate coincidence that we exist in this precise moment when systems all around us are at a brink of collapse. So why not collapse the obsolete internal thought structures inherited within us.

Not all of the words that speak through our thoughts are our own but are taught to us under the punishing tutelage of an indoctrinated system. A system that limits our thinking to words that can only communicate at the surface while we forget our soul’s language to communicate within us.

Is it really a wonder then, that we find so many people in our generations ‘trying to find their calling’? This is because we have lost sight of our soul’s language; our intuition, while trying to fit into comparatives. Thus requiring us to struggle against the tide of our own minds and reconnect to the purpose of our souls.

Never lose sight of who you are


The lesson is repetitive despite the polarities that we must rise above both praise and condemn. Unfortunately there isn’t any set of words in magic or otherwise that can complete your process for you.

Your truest realization is always one that only you can see. So don’t bother trying to trace its paths through words but allow yourself to hold faith in your higher self to guide you on.

Don’t ask for help; seek it out with your intuition, as a means to navigate your life. For you hold all the answers in the riddles within your own questions.

This world that defines us is made up of words but the space between these words is where our real world exist. The ones that can’t be seen, but whisper through the swirl of the wind or the chirping of birds crying out for us to feel.

So let’s not forget our truth in the hailstorm of words that form our thoughts but dare to trust again in the whispers of our souls that guided us here.

We are sentient beings and are not limited to our thoughts alone. All we need to do is step out of the comfort of our carefully articulated descriptions of ourselves and have experiences and engage with our surroundings rather than speculate alternative outcomes.

All we truly need to do is formulate our individual thought processes that we design to decode and analyse the information we receive and question its source; in order for our thoughts to be redefined and realities re-written.

Our lives are the greatest journey and our choices their roadmaps, so let’s choose to employ our thoughts as speed breakers to avoid accidents, rather than pose as roadblocks 😉

Image source

Chris Dyer

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Fractal Enlightenment was conceptualized in 2006 by Bhavika and Clyde, and since then, it has evolved along with us. Today we focus on Self-Awareness to help and support each one become a better version of themselves and in doing so, we hope to send ripples out to help shine some light in our world.

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Raghav Bubna
Raghav Bubna
Dreamer, mystic, peaceful warrior, wonderer and a being of love. I believe in knowing everything through experience and make it my mission to experience every truth I seek. Unless experienced all knowledge is belief. Questions about my higher self, death and my tantalising curiosity for new experiences constantly lead me to different wondrous realms all of them equally real!
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