Anna Surwillo

A NYC based personal trainer, massage therapist and energy healer; an avid explorer of consciousness journeying towards reconnecting with true essence; a creator of HeartCentricPath, a blog devoted to integration of Body, Mind, Spirit; lover of life, nature and animal world.

Sexuality, Creativity, Women – Exploring the Art of Sexual Energy

What is creativity? To create means to bring (something) into existence. All human beings have an innate desire, an urge if you will, to express...

The Soul or Ego ~ Which one Interprets Your Life Patterns?

“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know”. ~ Pema Chodron Human lives are made up of themes, patterns, archetypes...

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5 Zen Koans that Will Open Your Mind

“Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth.” ~ The...

Discover the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Reality

When talking about esoteric topics such as, "third dimensional...

What the Mayan Zodiac Signs Speaks about Your Personality

“Mayan Astrology offers a perspective on human existence not...

Jung’s Theory of Introvert and Extrovert Personalities

Personality refers to an individual's pattern of thoughts, feelings...

Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy

“If everything goes well & sex is natural &...

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Awakening the Warrior Within: A Journey Towards Self-Mastery and Inner Peace

"The basic wisdom of Shambhala, is that in this world, as it is, we can find a good and meaningful human life that will...