What is creativity?
To create means to bring (something) into existence. All human beings have an innate desire, an urge if you will, to express creatively, in whatever form it may be. Its a deep-seated need to bring into life that which is uniquely ours, to make a contribution that has our own energetic signature and not a copycat version of someone else’s work. Simply, creativity is fundamental to being human.
Many of us, based on individual upbringing and education, equate ‘creativity’ with an artistic domain that belongs to either a poet, writer, sculptor or painter. Yet, it’s rather a limited description, isn’t it? Absolutely everything we see around us is a creation. We create all the time, be it consciously or unconsciously.
We thrive on creativity, it gives meaning to our lives, it makes us feel like we contribute to the world by leaving a mark on the physical world.
Where does creativity come from?
To put simply: creative energy = sexual energy; they are one and the same. Sexual/creative energy holds immense power. Lovers, seekers of all things – esoteric and metaphysical – are all familiar with the sacral chakra, an area below the navel.
The sexual energy is housed within the second chakra and governs our reproductive organs, lower vertebrae, pelvis, large intestines, hip area, bladder and appendix (physical body).
Also this chakra’s energy is connected to the emotional/mental body. Sexual energy is a vital life force; it’s a base for creativity in all forms, literally and figuratively.
HeatherAsh Amara, author of Warrior Goddess Training, described sexual energy as “a potent force of nature that flows through the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees, and through you. It is a pure-as-snow-, core energy that dances through all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, creepy crawlies, swimmers, and every plant from seed to blossom and to fruit. It’s not wrong, dirty, immoral, or amoral. It is the central driving force of creation on the planet.”
This fiery energy can be channeled into any desired project; when directed consciously throughout the energetic centers of the body, the most incredible expressions can be birthed into existence; (be it photography, cooking, designing clothing, knitting, painting, writing, etc.)
Sexual energy creates, transforms, heals – a wisdom well known in native traditions all over the world.
Shamanic practices
Shamans and healers utilize sexual energy differently than ordinary people; they need large dosage to perform energetic feats such as healing work, shamanic dreaming (there’s connection between dreaming and sexual energy), journeying into other dimensions, bilocation, shapeshifting etc.
Many shamanic methods teach the art of raising the sexual energy up the spine. However, this energy holds immense power, wisdom and is to be treated in a sacred way.
Unfortunately, for a long time majority of the western world lacked understanding of how to honor this sacred gift; sexual energy has been abused, misused, repressed and bastardized. We have associated it mainly with the sexual act but there is so much more to it.
As Chon Yakil, dreamer and healer, a practitioner of the Toltec-Mayan branch of Nagualism said, “we should be searching for expressions of sexuality that are evolved, long-lived and ecstatic, not harmful.”
Luckily, as we are awakening to our own truths, maturing spiritually, we can finally embrace this beautiful gift and learn to cultivate it properly. A great practice is to cleanse the sexual energy, disentangle from energetic attachments, which will, in turn, renew the energies.
From Procreation to Co-creation
The power of how we invest our creative energies is up to us, as individual and sovereign beings. Yet, frequently, when in disempowered state, we blindly followed the old templates imposed by patriarchal world; not too many choices were available, especially to women. Why?
Because for eons of time, the ancient feminine power was dethroned and subjugated. Many parts of the world still hold archaic mentality of women being ‘second-class citizens’.
For a long time, women’s role was relegated to birthing children and fulfilling their roles as sole nurturers in the household. The procreative energy of the second chakra can be approached literally (biological: the birth of the child and figuratively: giving physical form to our visions, dreams, ideas). There are countless ways through which creative genius can be birthed into form.
Barbara Hubbard- Marx eloquently described, as we collectively emerge into a new awareness of beingness, (particularly us women), “Wherever they have a choice, women are shifting from massive procreation to co-creation.“
“This bio-evolutionary fact is gradually freeing the feminine half of the species from the huge effort reproduce up to maximum. That creativity is available now for life purpose and expression into larger world. Out of these breakdowns, innovations, and new possibilities are arising to foreshadow not only a new human, but a new world and, indeed, many new worlds in the universe.“

For a long time, we lived in a male-dominated society, men were our roles models, God himself included. Yet on some level, we women all knew, even if buried deep down within our subconsciousness, there was more to life than blindly following a path of rigid patriarchal order.
A deep desire to reconnect with our feminine essence was bubbling up to the surface; it’s coming to its full force now. The time has come to reclaim the path and ways of ancient wisdom keepers, Goddesses who knowingly stand in their power. Women carry within them the womb of creation; primordial creative energy.
Reclaiming Sexuality
To all the Goddesses out there, reclaim, heal and own your sexual energy. Repression of sexual energy imposed by the old patriarchal order, particularly religious/governmental organizations, traumatized our bodies & minds. So much shame and pain carried around. Yet, it is the creative energy of the Goddess herself. Wipe those templates clean and create anew.
HeatherAsh Amara pointed out: “When you own your sexuality as your inner fire, you release it from being focused on your genitals and on the physical act of sex, and free it to bring passion into all areas of your life.”
Feeling the ecstasy of ‘inner fire’ flowing inside of you is mind-bending, humbling and immensely empowering. The way all cells get charged up with a fiery and warm honey-like energy flowing through you leaves you speechless; it soothes, nourishes and liberates the body, mind, and Soul, while reminding you of eternal nature – a creative spark of Source of All That Is.
The time is upon us to create consciously and in alignment with our soul and divine will. Unleash your creative genius and birth a new way of existence upon this breathtaking planet.
Tap into your life force and channel it into the most magnificent creations this world has ever seen. Claim your birthright. But as always, the choice is yours.
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