Tag: Anger

As Baltimore Burns: Crouching Anger, Hidden Catharsis

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr This article will show how the power of deep, thoughtful imagination can...

The Zen of Alchemy: Transforming Anxiety into Art

 “This is why alchemy exists. So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was...

Five Steps to Overcome Grief and Return to the Present Moment

“I can't be running back and forth forever between grief and high delight.” ~ J D Salinger The painful process of grief can manifest itself...

10 Beautiful Life Lessons from Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama has always been an inspiration to me. The essence of his teaching is to promote human values – self-discipline, forgiveness, empathy, happiness,...

Art as a Weapon in Political Warfare

“The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.” ~ George Orwell Art has always affected the political...

Sacred Anger and the Power of Hard Love

“Love does not imply pacifism.” ~ Derrick Jensen As it stands, all of us are victims of an extremely unhealthy culture. In a culture of...

Seeking Freedom from Anger

  Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is...

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5 Zen Koans that Will Open Your Mind

“Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth.” ~ The...

Discover the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Reality

When talking about esoteric topics such as, "third dimensional...

What the Mayan Zodiac Signs Speaks about Your Personality

“Mayan Astrology offers a perspective on human existence not...

Jung’s Theory of Introvert and Extrovert Personalities

Personality refers to an individual's pattern of thoughts, feelings...

Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy

“If everything goes well & sex is natural &...

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Awakening the Warrior Within: A Journey Towards Self-Mastery and Inner Peace

"The basic wisdom of Shambhala, is that in this world, as it is, we can find a good and meaningful human life that will...