“The whole purpose of true exercise is to awaken the inner source of energy which we have ignored throughout our lives.” ~ Paramhansa Yogananda
We are energy beings and the material world/ matter is simply a projection of underlying energy patterns. Sometimes, due to trauma, and unhealed emotional wounds, energy gets stuck in different places in our body; this leads to pain and unwanted physical and/or emotional symptoms. When practicing any form of mind-body discipline, the blocked energy releases and moves freely in our body.
When the energy moves freely, we feel better – mentally and physically, with fewer aches and pains, and more joy and happiness.
What are Energization Exercises?
Created by Parahamsa Yogananda, Energization exercises use a combination of concentration, will, and breath to direct energy flow into various body parts. It is based on the principle of drawing Cosmic Energy into the body through the medulla oblongata by the power of will.
When we consciously control (tense the muscles) and release (relax the muscles) the moving life force or Prana energy that flows through us, to certain parts of our body, we awaken our body cells and re-energize our body, mind, and soul.
Energization exercises include a series of muscle tensing and relaxing exercises that incorporate “double breath” (more about it below) to oxygenate and detoxify the blood.
Yogananda once said that if we were stranded on a desert island and could have only one yogic technique, we should choose the energization exercises because through them we would eventually discover the entire science of yoga.
When I was introduced to Energization exercises, it seemed like a simple and mundane set of exercises, and there were too many of them, it didn’t quite capture my attention.
“I am not really feeling energized,” I thought. Besides, I wasn’t very regular with it.
Once I was initiated on the path of Kriya Yoga, I was compelled to do the Energization exercises right before meditation. After practicing it for a month, I began to feel a difference in my energy levels – emotional and psychological – physical fitness and mental health.
I generally close my eyes and consciously follow the process of tensing and relaxing the muscles, feeling the subtle movement of energy through my body, it refreshes you instantly, you will feel the stress and anxiety diminishing.
As someone once said, There are many ways to go up the mountain, the most effective will be the one that resonates with you.
Medulla Oblongata – The Connection with the Higher Source
Scientifically, the Medulla oblongata is located where your brain and spinal cord connect, making it a major connection point for nerve signals to and from your body. It also helps control vital processes like respiration, cardiovascular processes, digestion, breathing, blood pressure, and reflex actions.
It plays a vital role in regulating vital autonomic functions necessary for our survival.
Spiritually, Yogananda believed that our bodies derive cosmic energy from the Medulla Oblongata; it is the gateway that connects our physical bodies with the divine or universal consciousness.
Energization exercises are a tool to open up the channel that aligns us with the Divine consciousness. When we tap into this portal, we can access deep insights, wisdom, and higher knowledge.
According to Yogananda, the lips and tongue comprise the mouth of man, because this is where we eat physically, but the mouth of God is the medulla oblongata, inside the hollow point at the base of the skull. This is where we receive the divine energy that truly sustains us.
Benefits of Doing Energization Exercises
Energization exercises work on all levels – the body, mind, and soul.
Boost your energy levels
Doing energization exercises increases the energy reserve in our body, so when you are tired, it will recharge your body instantly. When we fall sick, we can consciously direct sufficient energy to allow us to regain our health.
Improves Focus
The whole process of focusing on the movement of energy in your body also leads to better focus on the task at hand.
Nourishes the Soul
When practiced before meditation, it becomes easy to slip into a deeper meditative state and feel the stillness rising within you.
Increases Awareness
As you begin your journey of transcending the limitations of the self, Energization Exercises increase your level of awareness of the movement of energy in your body. With a heightened state of awareness, we can direct the flow of energy to individual parts of the body.
Improves your Willpower
“The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy,” ~ Yogananda
Will is the key to accessing cosmic energy. Our will gets exercised at a deeper level. By using our will, we can direct the flow of energy in the body, and tense and relax the muscles, which leads to greater awareness.
In daily life that is the case, when you want to do something you have all the energy in the world to do it, but when you don’t want to do something then you don’t have the energy. These techniques are a way to train ourselves to have access to that energy all the time.
How to do Energization Exercises
The complete set of the Energization Exercises includes 39 individual exercises. Once you become familiar with the routine it takes about 12–15 minutes to complete.
The exercises are fairly simple to do, don’t get overwhelmed by the number. Practice at least once or twice a day.
(Modify the exercises if you have a back, neck, or shoulder injury, or are feeling ill or injured, don’t strain yourself.)
Here is the video to guide you through the Energization exercises
Begin with this prayer”
“O, Infinite Spirit,
recharge my body with Thy Cosmic Energy,
my mind with Thy concentration,
my soul with Thy ever-new joy.
O, eternal youth of body and mind,
abide in me forever and forever.”
Key points for practicing the energization exercises
Concentrate on the flow of energy
Before doing the Energization exercises, visualize energy coming into the body through the medulla oblongata and flowing through the body.
Once you’ve learned the exercises, try to keep your eyes closed with your gaze upward toward the point between the eyebrows – also your Third eye chakra.
This will help you to interiorize your consciousness and keep your focus intact.
Exercise your Will during the exercises
Runners, athletes, musicians who would practice all the time, are using a lot of will.
As you consciously draw energy to various parts of the body, you use your will to tense and relax the individual body parts. Tensing and relaxing not only recharges the body with energy but also allows us to control the flow of Prana.
Tense and relax gradually
Tense your muscles in the specific parts of your body, gradually and not in a quick manner. Hold the tension for about 3 seconds, and relax completely.
Isolate the body parts being tensed
Isolating the individual body part might be a challenge initially, but with practice, it becomes a lot easier. When we put our mind to an individual part, the energy flows to that part automatically.
Double Breathing
A double breath is a short inhalation through the nose followed immediately by a short and long exhalation through the nose and mouth, making the sound: “Huh, Huhhhh (with the breath only).”
This way we can inhale and exhale more deeply and also increase the oxygenation of the blood.
Practice Energization any time of the day
Whenever you are feeling tired, stressed, or low on energy, take 10-15 minutes to do a round of Energization exercises. You will instantly feel the difference, as the entire process of tensing and relaxing, control of Prana flow will release tensions in your body. You can also practice Energization before getting into meditation, you will go deeper and be able to sit more still.
Energization exercises facilitate the access to the vast energy residing within you by enhancing your willpower.
Although these exercises are fairly easy, you have to use your will to wake up and do it every day to see the outcome.
When you engage your will, strong will creates a strong magnetism and the magnetic force around you keeps all negativity, illnesses, and bad financial situation – all those things away. Once you gain the will, it brings energy, which brings magnetism and attracts inspiration.
Medulla Oblongata
The scientific hypothesis of an “energy system” in the human body