During my childhood days, I remember my mother storing water in a copper vessel, and we used to drink it after keeping it in the vessel for 7-8 hours. She claimed that water when stored in a copper vessel was extremely healthy for the mind and body.
Now, when I see these ancient customs re-emerging, I look back and think, I should have taken my mom’s advice seriously.
Ayurvedic texts recommend drinking water stored in copper, because copper is believed to have anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties.
It’s an essential mineral for our body, and medical studies have proved the benefits of drinking water stored in copper jugs or glasses, although not in excess.
Research supports healing properties of water stored in copper
According to a 2012 study, storing contaminated water in copper pots for up to 16 hours at room temperature considerably reduced the presence of harmful microbes. The researchers inferred, “Copper holds promise as a point-of-use solution for microbial purification of drinking-water, especially in developing countries.”
Another study found that copper surfaces killed 97% of hospital ICU bacteria that can cause infections, resulting in 40% decrease in the infection rates.
While another very interesting research was conducted to check, if wearing a copper bracelet has a placebo effect on arthritis patients. The researchers came to a conclusion that wearing a copper bracelet on your wrist or ankle can have a therapeutic value.
The effect of water stored in copper on the Doshas
“If you keep water in a copper vessel, preferably overnight or at least for four hours, the water acquires a certain quality from the copper which is very good for your liver in particular and your health and energy in general.” ~ Sadhguru
Ayurveda texts suggest that water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body (vata, kapha and pitta).
Doshas is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘mind-body constitution’ and all three doshas are present in every cell, tissue, and organ – for movement, metabolism, and fluidity – are essential components of our life.
How will you benefit by drinking water in copper?
Drinking a glass of water from a copper vessel (at room temperature) flushes the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.
- Copper is a good tonic for the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system.
- Helps in maintaining digestive health
- Stimulates your brain
- Produces melanin (pigmentation of eyes, hair and skin) in our bodies
- Helps in absorption of iron in the body
- Kills harmful bacteria in water
- Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland
- Relieves aches and pains caused due to swollen joints like in case of arthritis
- Slows down ageing
- Help regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lowers one’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Heal wounds faster
You simply need to pour water in a jug, keep it overnight and drink the positively charged water early morning or 2-3 times in a day – that is more than enough to reap its benefits. Don’t refrigerate that water. Wash the copper pot regularly with fresh lemon or a paste made out of salt and tamarind.
In this modern age, we often choose convenience over a healthier living – drinking bottled water for example is not only harmful for the environment but also pose health risks. Isn’t it better to follow this old practice instead?
(Always do your research before you start with something new. Don’t overdo this process…)
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