Tag: Sexual Energy

Expanding Your World Through Restraint: Practicing Yamas, the First Limb of Yoga

"Without the Yamas, known as the ethical rules, there is no success in Yoga." ~ Dharma Mittra Yama, in Sanskrit, translates to restraint; these are...

Open Relationships: Questioning the Conditioning of Monogamy

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people...

The Single’s Guide to Spiritual Sex: Self Empowerment for the Soul

"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy." ~ Anaïs Nin There is not enough written on the subject of self-gratification...

Five Signs You May be a Sapiosexual

"If your thoughts cannot touch my soul, then do not bother to reach for my flesh." ~ Julie Moon Sexuality is the essence of being...

Tantra, Divine Union and Polyamory: A Look At Progressive Sexual Platforms

“Sexuality is the highest state of duality. As such, unless we transcend sex, we cannot rise beyond our basic ordinary human condition which is...

The Difference Between Having Sex Vs Making Love

"Unless your sexuality rises and reaches to love it is mundane, it has nothing sacred about it. When your sex becomes love, then it...

Sexuality, Creativity, Women – Exploring the Art of Sexual Energy

What is creativity? To create means to bring (something) into existence. All human beings have an innate desire, an urge if you will, to express...

Five Yoga Poses to Boost Your Sex Life

Regular practice of yoga harmonizes the chakras, makes you more calm, focused and a balanced being. It is not surprising that yoga also helps...

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5 Zen Koans that Will Open Your Mind

“Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth.” ~ The...

Discover the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Reality

When talking about esoteric topics such as, "third dimensional...

What the Mayan Zodiac Signs Speaks about Your Personality

“Mayan Astrology offers a perspective on human existence not...

Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy

“If everything goes well & sex is natural &...

Jung’s Theory of Introvert and Extrovert Personalities

Personality refers to an individual's pattern of thoughts, feelings...

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The Threefold Human Being Learning to Integrate Thinking, Feeling, and Willing in Daily Life

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” ~ Thomas Merton Balance is the key to happiness. Our attempt...