6 Ways to Stop Overthinking 

If you have been overthinking for a while, it has already become a part of your subconscious mind. For example – the moment something goes wrong, the mind goes on an overdrive and one thought follows another, and your thoughts begin to loop. How do we stop overthinking?

Overthinking can affect our normal way of functioning. If it reaches a stage like that, then we have to take serious steps towards changing this pattern and find ways to stop overthinking.

Let’s take a look at 6 ways to stop overthinking.

Bring conscious awareness

The first step towards taking charge is to get the reins back in your hands. To do this you need to become fully aware of your thought patterns – is there a particular situation that triggers you, and you start overthinking, why does it worry, and so on – become curious about it. 

Accept that these thoughts are unnecessary and unproductive, and you are wasting your energy on it. Throwing light on this habitual pattern is a big step forward, and one of the effective ways to stop overthinking.

Turn your mind into a beautiful servant

“The Mind: A beautiful servant, A dangerous master,” ~ Osho

The truth of the matter is that our mind is a ‘tool’ that we can use as and when we choose to do it. In most cases, it is the other way around. Once you choose not to think about something, no one can force you to do that. 

Whenever, your mind goes for a ride and expects a catastrophic outcome, “Oh, what will happen in the future, we aren’t making enough, how will we pay the ever-increasing school fees and the rising cost of living?,” take charge of the mind and say, “Let us not think about that right now, who knows how things might change, and focus instead on admiring that tall mighty Neem tree,” and put the mind in its rightful place.   

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The mind has no power to tell you what to think right now.

Changing your subconscious behavior

“I am running my life 95% of the time with the subconscious mind. We have now through science found out that thinking takes 95% of our waking lives, which means that 95% of the time you are operating through the subconscious programs. The conscious mind being you and your wishes and desires work only 5% of the time.” ~ Bruce Lipton in an interview with Fractal Enlightenment. 

When you overthink you are operating from your subconscious mind, it’s like pulling an old file from the cabinet because you don’t know what else to do to keep yourself busy. Get rid of that file. Change things around, behave differently when things become a bit shaky, or rough.

Instead of reacting, take a pause, or when the thoughts are triggered, and you get worried, make the conscious choice of changing the channel. When you think about, “everything is falling apart, everything is going wrong,” think about, “all the things that have gone right for you,” flip the channel. Once we manage to change our subconscious behavior, it will be an effective way to stop overthinking.

“You have to see the world as being okay and healthy, because when you view the world that way, the subconscious programs will also complement those behaviors. The cells will see ‘oh life is beautiful’ and if we believe that, the idea of ‘oh I see things are going okay’ gets translated by the brain into chemistry. If you repeat this behavior consistently, remember repetition is creating new habits, then without even thinking about it, you will end up seeing the world as everything is okay, and seeing yourself in perfect health and that will make the brain continually release the chemistry of that vision.”

Don’t blow things out of proportion

ways to stop overthinking

Do you tend to do that? If it is a small matter, you get so worried about it, and start thinking of different outcomes and in most cases, expect the worst scenarios, and the mind goes berserk. 


In a recent incident, a friend said something to me, and I felt bad about it, and we haven’t spoken to each other since then, I have been thinking about it, maybe I shouldn’t have done that, should have paid on time and so on. Maybe that’s why she didn’t call my son on a playdate, etc. etc. I had to take the conscious step to stop thinking about it, it was, after all, not such a big deal, no one’s world came to an end. I was at peace with it. The mind did make a mountain out of a mole.     

An effective way to put things in perspective is to ask yourself, “Will this matter 5 years from now, or even a month from now?” If the answer is, NO. Then why waste your energy on it? 

Distract Yourself 

Distractions are not a bad thing after all! 

There are moments in life when everyone needs that one distraction to take their mind off things. Do that one thing you enjoy doing, and it helps you unwind, feel rested and rejuvenated. 

I go climb the hill that is close to where we live, the movement of climbing, sweating it out, being in nature causes a shift in perspective, and releases the pent-up emotion and frustration which are the side effects of overthinking.

Self-care routine

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” ~ Maya Angelou

Taking good care of yourself is the solution to many of the problems we face on a day-to-day basis. 

Our lifestyle choices, daily habits, and the kind of information we feed our brain, all influence the quality of our thoughts. When we adopt positive lifestyle habits, we feel better, we feel healthier – emotionally, physically, and mentally. 

Reduce screen time, especially just before you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning. Try it out! Whenever I spend time on the phone right before going to bed, I wake up feeling restless, groggy, and low on energy. I consciously made the effort to stop looking at the phone at least an hour before going to bed, and I felt a change.

My eyes don’t hurt, my head does not feel heavy, and my mood seems much better after waking up, but you need to ask Clyde if this is accurate. 

Don’t reach for the phone as soon as you wake up either, there could be a message that could ruin your mood first thing in the morning, and that can set the tone of your day. Why not avoid doing that? 

Restrict the time you spend on your screen. When you wake up in the morning, say positive affirmations, or chant, do exercise, meditate, and listen to positive music that will uplift your mood. 

Eat healthy food, after all, we are what we eat. When you fast, it cleanses the toxins from your body, and I have noticed a great change even in the quality of thoughts – the mind stays calm and grounded. 

We all lead busy lives. Of course, there are bills to pay, expenses to take care of, and sometimes even people to care for. There are many more ways to stop overthinking, do what deeply resonates with you.

If we adopt a practice and take conscious steps to make a change, the mind will become quieter, and we will be able to lead a fulfilling life without overthinking.

“The better you feel about yourself and your life, the quieter and more peaceful your mind will be. You are the one in charge and that you are much bigger than the mind. It is not the thoughts themselves that cause all the trouble. It is your identification with them.” ~ Richard Paterson.

Ways to Stop Overthinking

6 Ways to Stop Overthinking


Detrimental Effects of overthinking on mental health
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Fractal Enlightenment was conceptualized in 2006 by Bhavika and Clyde, and since then, it has evolved along with us. Today we focus on Self-Awareness to help and support each one become a better version of themselves and in doing so, we hope to send ripples out to help shine some light in our world.

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Bhavika is deeply passionate about nature, dreams of becoming a yogini, enjoys exploring new places, and co-created Fractal Enlightenment. She is dedicated to assisting others to reconnect with nature and their true selves. Thank you for being part of this journey! <3


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