Kundalini Rising, Part 2: The Sacral Chakra

The more conscious we become of how our energy moves through our body, through the seven flowering Chakras, the more we work to move our energy in healthier ways. The more we move our energy in healthier ways, the more we discover that which is cosmic, infinite, and unconditional in us.

In our last article we opened the Muladhara chakra, or root chakra. Now moving up to the second level: The Swadhisthana or sacral chakra. The fundamental quality of this chakra is pure creativity and attention, unencumbered by the ego. This Chakra works on an instinctual level, but it still remains unconscious, containing mysterious primal desires, especially sexual and tantric.

But opening the Sacral Chakra isn’t about enhancing sexuality. It’s more about focusing primal energies upon greater awareness so that we can enjoy the flow of life. The Swadhisthana is where the different samskaras impressions (potential karmas) lay dormant, waiting to be expressed. It’s a tapping into the latent, primal intuition of the unconscious realm hidden within the emotions and desires of the human condition.

The Sacral Chakra is symbolized by a vermilion-orange lotus with six petals representing the following six modes of consciousness: affection, ruthlessness, vision, derision, and doubt. It is located near the coccyx, just above the Muladhara chakra, while its central activation point is the pubic bone.

It is Varunaassociated with the element of water (the crescent moon in the flower), the sense of taste, confidence, sexual vitality, and its primary planet is the moon.

The direct translation of Swadhisthana is ‘one’s own abode.’ The deity associated with this chakra is the four-armed god Varuna, who is often depicted riding on a crocodile named Makara.

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Varuna is the god of water in the underworld, personifying the power of the bodies liquid elements; blood, lymph, semen, urine and saliva. This is why the moon planet is such a powerful symbol with this chakra, as it controls the moving ‘tides’ in our waters.

When this chakra is balanced we feel full of wonder and awe for our connection to the greater cosmos. We are more adaptable and able to go with the flow of life. With the activation of Swadhisthana we begin to develop a sense of personality and self-esteem, as our body-awareness increases so does our sense of groundedness and emotional intuition.

The majority of people, especially in Western cultures, experience a blockage of this Chakra, usually because of nature-deprivation and an overall lack of awareness of the interconnectedness of all things.

When this Chakra is blocked we may feel an inability to ground ourselves, jealousy, guilt, not able to set healthy boundaries and attach too much importance on immediate gratification. Nothing seems good enough because we’re never satisfied, and depression inevitably ensues. Also, eating disorders tend to be a manifestation of an imbalanced Sacral Chakra.

Sacral Chakra Meditation

How to Open the Sacral chakra

Wear something orange, or imagine the color orange. While you are meditating, visualizing or imagining, focus your energy (or Qi) on the navel. The Sacral Chakra is fairly easy to access and transform as it responds to emotional and creative self-expression. Notice how you feel about your connection to your body and your body’s fluid connection to the cosmos.

Literally lay your hands on your stomach, Reiki-style, if you have to. Imagine your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical ‘fluids’ flowing out into the cosmos like rivers into an ocean. Visualize yourself moving with the ‘tide’ of your body’s natural rhythm in balance with the greater cosmic rhyme.

Standard practices in Kundalini yoga for balancing the energy in the Sacral Chakra include vajroli mudra (contraction of the genitals), ashvini mudra (contraction of the anus).

With the opening of the Sacral Chakra, Kundalini has become aware of itself. As it moves its way up, our consciousness begins to blossom. Our power is growing, our ability for self-transformation is beginning to manifest. The spark has struck the kindling of our spirit, and the next level, the Manipura Chakra, is the resulting fire.

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Gary Z McGee
Gary Z McGee
Gary 'Z' McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.


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