Kundalini Rising, Part 3: The Solar Plexus Chakra

“The Manipura Chakra is as radiant and bright as the sun dominating the dawn. Draw in the prana and hold it there while meditating on the fire element. This meditation dispels the deeply ingrained fear of death” ~ Gheranda Samhita, one of the three classic texts of Hatha yoga.

As we rise up through the seven blossoming Chakras, with the corporeal energy of Kundalini in tow, we become more aware of our divine union with all things. We discover that the universe itself is a giant blooming flower in and of itself, and we are its slowly opening eye.

Conscious awareness is upon us. Our vehicle is the divine feminine, Shakti. We are ready to be transformed, and fire will be the medium of our transformation.

In our last article we opened the Swadhisthana Chakra, or Sacral Chakra. Kundalini has been awakened and has now moved up to the third level: The Manipura, or Solar Plexus. The fundamental quality of this chakra is transformation. The fiery aspect of this Chakra makes it the seat of our unique identity, where we are free to project our power and charisma into the world.

This is where our Will to Power (Nietzsche) and self-discipline become manifest. Just as fire transforms solids into liquids and liquids into gas, the inner fire transforms our unconscious into conscious awareness. The Manipura is our energy center, radiating vital prana, the sum total of all energy that manifests in the universe, throughout our entire body.

The main deity associated with this Chakra is the Hindu deity Agni, God of Fire

The Manipura is symbolized by a yellow lotus with ten fiery petals. It is located in the area of the solar plexus just above the navel. It is associated with the element of fire (the inverted red triangle), so the sun is a popular symbol, but its primary planet is Mars. The direct translation of Manipura is “The City of Jewels.”

The main deity associated with this Chakra is the Hindu deity Agni, God of Fire, who has two heads, one denotes the creative aspect of fire and the other denotes its destructiveness. He is ever-young, being born and reborn every day in the crucible of his own fire.

A lesser deity associated with this chakra is Rudra. His name has been translated as, “The Howler;” and so he howls inside us, turning ‘red’ with passion and a will toward a higher calling.

It is also associated with digestion and movement. In this respect, our emotional self and mental correlate which are found within intuition and “gut feelings.” When this Chakra is balanced we feel endowed to lead our lives with dynamism, power and authority.

Self-love is important here. When in tune and balanced, our solar plexus puts the ego-mind (or small mind) in check, and then Big Mind is free to engage and ‘feel’ the cosmic threads that bind and connect all things. boosts self esteem, respect for others, calmness and initiative. You feel friendly, joyful and confident.

By meditating on this Chakra one is said to attain the prana to create or destroy the world. In this respect, an over-active Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to arrogance, conceit, and self-centeredness. If this happens we run the risk of becoming power-hungry, one-right-way, egotists.

When this Chakra is under-active, or blocked, we tend to feel unworthy and have a low self-esteem. Our emotional state is one of depression and anxiety. We tend to be doubtful and mistrusting toward others. This kind of stress can lead to a plethora of physical problems: poor digestion, ulcers, diabetes, liver or kidney problems, anorexia, bulimia, and even intestinal tumors.

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

Wear something yellow, or imagine the color yellow. Better yet, meditate in front of a fire or a candle. While meditating, focus your prana on the solar plexus. Imagine a bright yellow Chakra spinning there, like a radiant sun. Imagine this internal sun nourishing your core, bathing your digestive organs in healing light, just as the external sun nourishes your skin.

Notice how you feel as a Differentiated Unity in the greater undifferentiated cosmos. Feel the benevolent power of the universe. Allow it to pour into you in the form of charismatic confidence and transformative control. Allow it to guide you up to the next level; to the fourth chakra: The Heart Chakra, the Anahata.

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Gary Z McGee
Gary Z McGee
Gary 'Z' McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.


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