“You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.” ~ Amit Ray
We know by now that words have the power to change our reality, power to change the way we think and reprogram our subconscious mind. Mantras are sacred words that resonate deep within our soul, matching with the frequency of the universe and when repeated frequently it purifies the mind and soul, brings clarity and transforms the negative thought pattern into positive ones.
The Sanskrit word, Mantra means man – “mind” and tra means “tool or instrument,” so, its a tool to transport the mind to a place of stillness. Most of the mantras are written in Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages known to mankind. Some linguists also regard it as the perfect language that resonates with the microcosm of our bodies and the macrocosm of the universe.
It is based on the understanding of the science of sound; each sound of the Sanskrit alphabet creates a vibration that resonates with the natural energies of the body. When you chant a mantra, for example ‘Shanti,’ Sanskrit word for ‘peace,’ the vibration of peace is created in one’s whole being, dissolving duality and evoking a sense of interconnectedness with all beings.
The Buddhist Handbook describes mantras as, “highly compressed, power-packed formulas, usually of Sanskrit origin, which are charged with deep meaning and magical potency.”
Mantras also have the power to cleanse your environment, develop mindfulness, and when you sense the vibration of each word you utter in complete awareness, even if you aren’t aware of its meaning, you will notice a shift in your consciousness.
Mantras don’t need to have any religious bend to it, so don’t think that chanting a certain mantra makes you a Hindu or a Buddhist.
It’s medicine for the soul and that can be used to navigate your consciousness to higher planes. You can chant mantras any time of the day, during yoga, meditation, walking, cooking, doing your regular activities or when you are facing a stressful situation.
These are the 4 powerful Sanskrit mantras that we can practice in daily life –
1) Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (universal peace prayer)
“Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu
Sarveśām Shāntir Bhavatu
Sarveśām Pūrnam Bhavatu
Sarveśām Maṇgalam Bhavatu”
Meaning: May there be happiness in all
May there be peace in all
May there be completeness in all
May there be success in all
Benefits: I have recently been chanting this mantra several times during the day, and it makes me feel centered, evokes a sense of calmness within and also instills positive thoughts, especially on days when things get a bit edgy.
2) Gayatri Mantra
“Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ prachodayat”
Meaning: The two words “Gayatri Mantra” might be loosely translated as “a prayer of praise that awakens the vital energies and gives liberation and deliverance from ignorance”. The meaning –
(O) Supreme one; (who is) the physical, astral (and) causal worlds (himself).
(you are) the source of all, deserving all worship
(O) radiant, divine one; (we) meditate (upon you)
Propel our Intellect (towards liberation or freedom)
Another translation is …
We worship the word that is present in the earth,
the heavens and that which is beyond.
By meditating on this glorious power that gives us life,
we ask that our minds and hearts be illuminated.
Gayatri mantra is much revered of all the mantras, found in the Rig veda. I first heard this mantra during my yoga class, we would chant it at the end of the class and really struck a cord.
Although I didn’t know the meaning of the mantra at that time, I could feel the positive and healing effect of its vibrations on my mind and body. Prolonged repetition of the Gayatri mantra, opens up our minds and our hearts to the infinite possibilities in life.
3) Om Namah Shivaya
Meaning: It means “I bow to Shiva,” which is your true inner Self, the divine consciousness that resides within each one of us.
- This mantra brings calmness to a restless mind.
- Builds self-confidence
- Relieves stress and helps you relax
- It helps you find a direction in life.
4) Om Gum Ganapatayei Namah
Meaning: I bow to Ganesh, the elephant-faced deity, who is capable of removing all obstacles. I pray for blessings and protection.
Benefits: Ganesh or Ganapatayei is known to be the remover of obstacles and the lord of beginnings. Whenever you chant this mantra, you are calling upon the energy of Ganesha to assist you to face the challenges that life has to offer, moving towards your goals with conviction and aligning yourself with your desired outcome.
Apart from the above mantras, you can also chant the Buddhist mantra, “Om Mani Padme Hum” and the most important of all, “AUM”– the sound of the universe and the sound of creation.
Which mantra do you practice?
Magic of Gayatri
Image source
Mantra Art
Mantra on wall by Markrosenrosen (Own work)