“Ego says: Once everything falls into place I will feel peace. Spirit says: find peace and everything will fall into place.” ~ Marianne Williamson
If you’ve been interested in personal development, spirituality, energy work, or have been going through a consciousness awakening for a while now, you’ve probably met or most likely at one time or another you’ve been, “that person.” You know the one, the one that goes to every self-help retreat they can, knows all the “lingo,” and has been to every energy healer within a 10 mile radius from their house.
I would dare say most of us have been like this for bouts of time or even have never stopped devouring more and more teachings and methods since we first touched into our “true self.”
Understandably, once someone has a genuine experience of awakening or healing from an internal standpoint, it’s almost hard not to be excited and maybe even a little obsessed.
If you’ve gone years carrying around emotional burdens from your past, feelings of unworthiness or have always had an insatiable curiosity to find what our real purpose on earth is, and then all of a sudden you have an experience where you were able to heal deep wounds, or have experienced expanded states of awareness that felt nothing short of magical– it’s only natural that our appetite for more would ensue.
What you may have began to find as your healing or awakening process progressed is that the ego will find the sneakiest of ways to “be involved” in what we are doing. It loves nothing more than another role to play or an identity to attach to, so if our newest interest is self-help or healing, it will be right there ready with inspirational quotes to post, and ancient wisdom to dole out to any and everyone who seems even halfway interested.
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Image Sources:
Colorful art piece, woman in pain bu Vivien Szaniszlo
Eckhart Tolle quote, pic made by: Nikki Sapp