Seven Powerful Ways to Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

“The emotional energy center is located in our solar plexus, the processing hub for fear and joy. When you deviate even a Nano fraction from your inner voice, your energy will wane. Intuition is a truth detector. Don’t be seduced by what may look good, but betrays your gut.” ~ Judith Orloff

The third chakra, Solar Plexus or the Manipura Chakra holds the key to both our physical and psychic health. In Sanskrit, ‘Mani’ refers to a sacred gem, which creates inner illumination and gives us the power to see beyond the ordinary realm, whereas ‘Pura’ means city.

Therefore, in simple words, Solar Plexus is the engine which empowers our city (mind and body) to see beyond the visible.

The Solar Plexus chakra is the center of transformation as the ‘Agni’ or the sacred fire rests here. The fiery aspect of this chakra makes it the seat of your unique identity, where you are free to project your power and charisma into the world.


This is where our Will to Power (Nietzsche) and self-discipline become manifest. Just as fire transforms solids into liquids and liquids into gas, the inner fire transforms your unconscious into conscious awareness.

Unlike the first two chakras, which are inclined towards life force and survival, the third chakra unites the body with the spiritual needs – self-growth, vitality, motivation and energetic movements.

Some symptoms of an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra are:

1) This chakra is associated to the digestive system and organs related to it like the small and large intestines, pancreas, and liver. When this chakra is imbalanced one can face issues like constipation, ulcers, diarrhoea, colon disease, intestinal tumours, etc.

2) Solar Plexus is the centre of our self-growth and empowerment. When this chakra is underactive, one will experience a lack of self-worth, inability to assert themselves, and understand or address their own needs.

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Whereas an excess energy from Solar Plexus can result in excessively competitive and controlling behaviour and intolerance.

3) Also the emotional centre, Solar plexus chakra is associated with our expressions, emotions, and mood swings. When this chakra is out of sync one can experience aggression or depression.

4)“Self-criticism is an art and not many are qualified to practice it.” ~ Joyce Carol Oates.

This might ring true for a person suffering from an imbalanced third chakra as it will show itself in a sense of powerlessness, low self-esteem, self-criticism, lack of confidence and shame.

Here are some of the ways to heal your Solar Plexus Chakra

1) Yoga asanas to heal your solar plexus chakra

Located at the core, performing yoga poses that strengthen the core is healing for the solar plexus. Asanas like Boat Pose, Four limbed staff pose, Crow pose, Half moon pose, Crescent pose, etc. can be practiced to balance this chakra, increase self-confidence and feel empowered.

2) Use of Yellow in daily life

Yellow is the color associated with the third chakra, so including this color in daily life in the form of clothes or food is highly recommended. Foods like banana, yellow capsicum, squash, lemons, golden apple, pumpkins, etc. should be included in your diet.

crystals heal your solar plexus chakra

3) Healing stones and crystals to heal your solar plexus chakra

When the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, healing stones and crystals can help restore energy flow and balance. Stones like Sunstone, Yellow Sapphire, Jasper, Citrine, or Yellow Topaz can be used or worn to heal your solar plexus chakra

You can wear the crystal in the form of rings, pendants, or even rub these stones on the navel, but make sure not to share the same stone with anyone else.

4) Affirmations

Affirmations have been a game changer for a long time. Believers and practitioners will vouch for the special effect positively charged statements can bestow.

Close your eyes and chant these affirmations with the intent to manifest and activate your solar plexus – ‘I am loved’, ‘I trust myself’, ‘I can achieve success in all spheres of life’, ‘I love myself’, ‘I respect myself’, or ‘I am desired’.

5) Meditation

Mediation is also a potent tool to balance all the chakras in the body. Bring attention to your breathing, imagine a yellow light entering your body and moving towards this energy center.

Your solar plexus is glowing bright, becoming bigger and sharper. As your Solar Plexus begins to radiate, your confidence and personal power will become stronger, and you begin to heal your solar plexus chakra.

6) Beej Mantra to heal your solar plexus chakra

Chanting mantras, especially the Beej Mantra, are very powerful in activating or balancing our chakras. ‘RAM’ is the beej mantra of the third chakra and can be chanted by alternating with ‘OM’ to make it more effective.

Be seated with your back supported by the wall and hands held in Jnana Mudra. Now, close your eyes and start chanting, ‘RAM’ and ‘OM’ out loud. Stay in this space for as long as you desire.

7) Sun Light

Also known as the sun center, the Solar Plexus can be activated with increased exposure to the sun. Apart from this, we can press the points (related to this chakra) located in the palm and the hollow of our feet soles (draw a line from the second toe to the heel and the point lying in the hollow of the feet is the Solar Plexus point).

Use the thumb or an acupressure stick to exert the right amount of pressure.

Here is a short, slow yet stimulating yoga sequence to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Seven Minute Chakra Series - Yoga for Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) with Nessa

Self compassion, compassion for others, confidence, vitality, stable mindset, and healthy digestive system are some direct results manifesting from a balanced Solar Plexus.

Image Source:

Solar Plexus Chakra by Mark Preston

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Sonali Bansal
Sonali Bansal
A healer, yoga teacher, traveler & philanthropist, she is an independent writer/blogger. A creative soul, her inner calling lies in spiritual oneness. Overcoming the hurdles of human birth, she is a karma yogini. Channeling the light wherever she goes, her focus is on self development as this is the real art of divine worship for her. Follow her page on:
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